I sooo sooo soooooo want this WTF? stamp.. it encompasses 90% of my reactions throughout an average day in my life. I would probably need about 982734910837 of these. It reminds me of the BULLSHIT stamp my AP US teacher had in high school, which I basically saw on all my tests.. no joke.. anywayz.. i can already think of a few places I would use this stamp on.. for example, tax forms, crappy old civics with spinners, the whole committee of AIG execs, lindsay lohan, amy winehouse, little 8 year old girls who carry around louis vuitton bags and pay for caramel frappuccinos with a credit card, just to name a few.
On a side note, you know emoticons, which are like faces that express an emotion.. has anyone made a WTF? face yet? I imagine they would resemble some of these faces...

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