A quick recap of this past week's tv and this season (i guess?)
So my TV watching has whittled down to a few - ok so i used to watch a LOT of tv (Gossip Girl, South Park, Family Guy, The Office, Grey's Anatomy, 30 Rock)
Continue to read my comments about these shows... (possible spoiler alert!)
1. Gossip Girl
I have been watching Gossip Girl since it first aired.. the first couple seasons were addicting and essentially guilty pleasures... but now in the third (? - can't keep track, the writer's strike really messed up my TV circadium rhythm) season, GG has pretty much tanked for me.. Blair is being ridiculous, Dan is just annoying, Serena is trying way too hard.. the only things that i actually like about the series are Chuck (drool) and Lily and Rufus (but even then, it gets too gooey).. so.. i'll keep watching for a few more episodes but if it tanks more than it is now, PEW PEW to that..
2. South Park
South Park hit some good parallels with the economy and God, Kyle and Jesus.. i even chucked at the "paying debts" part.. overall, it was just ok....
3. Family Guy
Family Guy has declined recently, filling in time with random useless NOT funny crap like that 5 min clip of that old guy singing... however there a few things that cracked me up in the last few episodes, like in Family Gay, when Cleveland falls out of the bathtub, the way the brain-damaged horse is running in the race.. and definitely "Guilty!!" hahahha But the past two episodes, the OJ one and the FOX-y lady one were totally misses.. kinda disappointing.. the writers need to get better material.. btw.. the "Run Home,Lois. Run as fast as you can" reference to Charlie and the Chocolate factory has totally been done before with Peter in that beer factory episode.. goodness..
4. The Office
Seasons 1 and 2 were fantastic!! Season 3 on the other hand, omg.. it was hard to watch one of my favorite shows degrade itself as much as it did... it became sad, depressing, and most of all, NOT funny.. i understand they were trying to develop plot and characters but they can easily do that while still keeping it funny, it is still comedy series.. BUT i am totally happy to say that season 4 has come back strong! They've come back to the essential little things-ness that made me first love the Office.. for example, the fact that Michael put the golden tickets in the same shipment of papers and Michael trying to start his own paper company and the suggestions for Michael's anniversary party like..
Pam: And then out of that cake pops another stripper holding a smaller cake and then an even smaller stripper pops out of that one.
Micheal Scott: What is the smaller stripper holding?
Pam: A cupcake.
5. Grey's Anatomy
Grey's Anatomy is always sooo addictive.. you can't just watch one episode.. there are no terribly bad episodes.. and this one was a particularly relieving one.. it single-handedly tied up a lot of loose plot ends.. Owen finally comes to terms to fix his PTSD, Meredith and Derek are finally engaged, Lizzie undergoes surgery, Derek does his first surgery after his weird hole out in his trailer, and Alex finally jizzes in a cup (i dunno, it kept bothering how it took him so long to do it).. overall a very satisfying episode.. makes me feel all warm and gooey inside...
6. 30 ROCK!!!
30 Rock is killing it!! hahah.. A few of my personal favorites (because they're so many i can't name them all)
1. When Jack hurts Frank for his own good and hits him with the magazine and Frank lumbers away like the yeti.
2. When Liz imitates Jack with a raspy voice, then she loses it and sounds like Batman.
3. Bijou and then Lutz's "WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!" reaction when Jack jacks.
4. "Fat neck girls, let me count your neck rings"
5. Kenneth's attempts to hug people.
6. Jenna's pawing at the window as Janis Joplin
7. "I really don't think it's fair to be on the jury because I'm a hologram"..."Charles-what-now?"
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