Ok, so yes I have read the Twilight series.. *ahem* twice *ahem.. anyways.. so like any normal human girl, I have developed a minor crush on Edward like every other girl ages 3 to 92... so naturally, after watching the movie, Robert Pattinson equals perfection... however.. it appears that he has Keanu Reeves syndrome.. aka. doesn't shower and is a smelly dirty bastard.. From E! news:
"He stinks. I mean, it's awful. He never showers, and it drives people on the set crazy," dishes someone who works in very close quarters with Pattz. Apparently our shaggy-haired love never rinses that bod of his, as Keanu and Brad have famously not done, as well, during extended periods of their hunky lives. Like, ever. And it's past the point of a little BO. "He completely reeks," complains an annoyed crewmember."
I now announce that I am officially flying over to Vancouver to help "clean" him up!! Kaching!! btw.. here are more pictures...

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