One elbow support away from disaster.
And here is the rest of it. Read more!
Random oddities somewhat involving life as well as random odd comments from me.
Abigail "Abby" Loraine Hensel and Brittany "Britty" Lee Hensel (born March 7, 1990, Carver County, Minnesota, United States), are highly symmetric dicephalic parapagus conjoined twins, and further, tribrachius, bipedus. They have two spines and separate half-sacrums, which converge distally within a slightly broad pelvis. They each control and sense their corresponding arm and leg; a third, rudimentary central arm was amputated in infancy.
Army Specialist Boyd phoned home to warn his family in Texas that the photo was about to appear on the front page of the New York Times.
"It was typical. He has always been an interesting little character," said his mother, Sheree.
"He said: 'I hear the Times is what they put on the president's desk'," she said.
"Then he told us: 'I may not have a job anymore after the president has seen me out of uniform'."
The basic model would consist of a tiny GPS transceiver placed in a capsule and inserted under a person's skin, so that authorities could track him easily. Model B would have an extra function -- a dose of cyanide to remotely kill the wearer without muss or fuss if authorities deemed he'd become a public threat.
The inventor said the chip could be used to track terrorists, criminals, fugitives, illegal immigrants, political dissidents, domestic servants and foreigners overstaying their visas.
"The invention will probably be found to violate paragraph two of the German Patent Law -- which does not allow inventions that transgress public order or good morals.
"We can't print money," said Dr. Jim Skibo, VP of Marketing and Advertising for the AAFES. "[And] we will not ship coinage into the warzone. It costs a small fortune to ship stuff like that, so we use [the pogs] as gift certificates."
Terrified Valentina Kirilova had to fight off the sex-crazed primate when he grabbed her as she gave him a banana at Rostov Zoo in Russia.
Valentina said of the attack: “I have spent a lot of time around the primates but I’d never imagined that a lonely chimpanzee could see me as a sex object.”
The lusty ape, called Otello, broke the horrified keeper’s wrist as he pulled her into his cage and began to attack her.
“When I tried to pass a banana to him, the chimpanzee grabbed my hand and pulled me into the cage and tried to rape me,” said Valentina.
She was only saved when her screams brought other keepers running, who pulled the furious chimp off her.
Doctors treated Valentina for shock.
Now police are to quiz zoo staff about how the attack happened.
One keeper said: “It’s a serious matter. If that had been a member of the public we would all be in court by now.”
In effect, the structure of the rubber belt is a large mesh grid that splits the dieter's belly, side and back fat into easily manageable blobs. This allows for increased metabolic consumption of calories and raises the propensity for increased blood flow values. More blood flow = more heat = more burning of fat.