That was totally my idea!!! i had always thought that it was annoying that you can't really adjust headphones. When i'm by myself, i don't need the two wires to be separated that much, but with sharing (which is caring) sometimes the two wires can't be separated far enough.. well there goes my business plan #483 out the window..
The zipper keeps the headphones all neat and zippy and the zipper puller functions as a volume control.. i wonder if you can zip your headphones into your jacket zipper.. I call dibs!! Business plan #87539
And here is the rest of it.
Earphones with mic are an essential and vital mobile accessory. Whether you use it to listen to music or just to receive calls, headphones made of high quality material make it easy for you. Headphones are also not just about being convenient but also about high sound clarity. If you are thinking of getting a good quality headphone, then look no further than LatestOne. LatestOne offers the best mobile accessories with the best deals.