I'll be posting a few olympic-inspired videos... starting with this program by Plushenko (a crazy egotistical and ridiculous but nonetheless fantastic Russian figure skater) performing 'Sex-Bomb' for the 2001 World Expo. Now I knew EXACTLY what i want to be for Halloween this year... enjoy.
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IsisMasshiro on deviantArt created this awesome and probably very realistic EPIC DINOSAUR DUEL!! (booming announcer voice echoes into the distance) hahah this was the first original b*tch fight that has, in modern times, become well documented on the fabulous show called jersey shore. this should be made into a t-shirt, cause i'm such a fan to novelty tees.
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An awesome dice mosaic of two very recognizable icons. These guys totally stole one of my ideas off my procrastination and waste time list. poops. I guess I'll have to cross this off and add 'close my eyes and spin around until i puke' to the list. Read more!
Sorry for the long hiatus... work has taken over my life! but i have made it my personal goal to update more often, but forgive me if my real life calls (yes I do have a life)...
So for the past couple weeks, the US has been hit with large snow blizzards which has come to be called 'Snowmageddon' but I like to call 'an excuse to go in to work late' well for those who are worried about the possibility of having their roof collapse over their heads, here is a DIY method of getting the snow off the roof of your house... which I say isn't as fun as trying to get the snow off the roof of your car by drifting around in a figure 8.